Overcoming depression in pandemic times
(The meeting is open to all health professionals, medical students and the general public)
Zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/3097412158
SPPSM Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35wTBunWWqWL-7g3M8Vqrw
09:00h Opening
Luís Câmara Pestana and Maria Luísa Figueira
09:10h – 09:40h
Anxiety and depressive symptoms during the pandemic in Portugal – a longitudinal study
Pedro Morgado
09:40h – 10:10h
Mental health promotion in health professionals involved in the treatment of patients with COVID 19
Ana Ferro, Filomena Sousa and Carlos Góis
10:10 am – 10:40 am
Depression and anxiety in the general population and in health professionals during the pandemic in Portugal – Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Study
Maria Joao Heitor
10:40h Closing
Maria Joao Heitor
European Depression Association (EDA)
With the support of the Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health