Call for abstracts to “From Multitude to Crowds in Social Movements – publics, gatherings, networks and media in the 21th century”

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O CECL – Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Linguagens – da FCSH/UNL está a organizar, em colaboração com o CECC – Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura, a conferência internacional «From Multitude to Crowds in Social Movements – publics, gatherings, networks and media in the 21th century», que terá lugar em Janeiro de 2015 na Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Deadline for proposals: 31/08/2014
From Multitude to Crowds in Social Movements – publics, gatherings, networks and media in the 21th century
Lisbon, 26-27 January 2015
An International Conference hosted by the Catholic University of Portugal, in a CECC/CECL co-organization

This two-day event brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines such as Communication Sciences, Sociology or Political Science to bring an updated perspective on the ways notions of multitude, crowds, social movements and media intersect. It proposes to study social movements repertoires and how social groups are led to adapt, improvise and invent new ones, under the social constraints imposed by the use or presence of media.

Confirmed Speakers:
Dr. Christian Borch (Copenhagen Business School, CBS, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy);
Dr. Erik Neveu (Sciences Po Rennes)
Dr. Gustavo Cardoso (ISCTE- Lisbon Universitary Institute)
Dr. João Carlos Correia (University of Beira Interior)

A Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Conference comprehending the following keywords:
Social Movements Studies; Media Studies; Political Communication; Social Networks; Media Events; Public Sphere; Social Movements Sociology; Sociology of the Publics; Crowds; Multitudes; Social Psychology; Social Policy and Law.

Official Language: English
Submission of Abstracts:
We welcome proposals of no more than 300 words, by August 31st 2014, including a title, abstract, four keywords, a short-bio and affiliation details. Send the proposals in RTF or PDF format to the following email:

Submission of Abstracts Deadline:
August 31st 2014
Notification on the Acceptance of the Abstract:
October 1st 2014
Submission of Full Paper Deadline:
December 15th 2014
Registration Fee:
Early-bird (until October 31st, 2014) – 80 Euros
Standard (from November to December 2014) – 130 Euros
Last Minute (January 2015) – 180 Euros
Undergraduate Students – 25 Euros